Sabado, Agosto 17, 2013

Sean Hannity

We need to stop letting them use "racism" to get their own way. The Bible says not to bear false witness against thy neighbor, and they do that when they cry racism at every turn. Bearing false witness is lying, and all liars will have their part in the lake of fire.



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hannity is a television show on the Fox News network, a replacement to the long-running show Hannity & Colmes. It is hosted by conservative political punditSean Hannity.
Following the announcement on November 25, 2008 that Alan Colmes would leave the show,[1] it was decided that the show would simply be entitled Hannity.[2]
On the rationale for the new program, Fox News Senior Vice President Bill Shine has stated:
Sean is one of the top television and radio personalities in the business and we're excited to be working with him on this venture. When Alan Colmes left us with a void last month, we decided to build a new program utilizing Sean's signature talents rather than take on the monumental task of replacing someone as exceptional as Alan and attempting to rebuild a rare chemistry that is unlikely to ever be matched in cable television again.[2]
The show's format consists of Hannity interviewing guests and providing his own commentary. Among notable segments was The Great American Panel, which ran near the end of the show, featuring Hannity and three guests (two of which were notable political or news commentators, one liberal and the other conservative, with the third member being a special guest who was notable outside the political or journalistic community but usually holding conservative political views) in a panel discussion on important topics of the day. The Panelwas split into two parts; in between parts, Hannity (or sometimes the special panel guest) will toss a miniature football towards the camera. The panel segment was dropped from the show in 2012.
The first guest on Hannity was former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. Hannity featured an exclusive interview with Don Imus during his premiere week. During the second week, conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh appeared in an exclusive two-part interview about the future of the conservative movement and the newly inaugurated President Barack Obama.

Criticism[edit source | editbeta]

On 18 June 2009, when discussing the government’s “Cash for Clunkers” program that gave financial incentives to consumers who traded in older vehicles for new, fuel efficient ones, Hannity said "..all we've got to do is ... go to a local junkyard, all you've got to do is tow it to your house. And you're going to get $4,500.” The partisan Politifact watchdog group called that claim false because the program as proposed and passed, required that the vehicle must be in "drivable condition" and the trade-in had to have been "continuously insured consistent with the applicable state law and registered to the same owner for a period of not less than one year immediately prior to such trade-in."[3]

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