Sabado, Agosto 17, 2013

Sea snail in knee

Sea snail egg falls into boy's cut knee during beach vacation and HATCHES three weeks later
Paul Franklin, 4, found the animal in his knee three weeks after falling on rocks during a family holiday
Mother worried he had Gangrene after doctor's trips and antibiotics didn't help
Snail now lives in fishbowl at family home.

When most of us go to the beach, the best souvenir we can hope for is sand in our shoes and maybe a shell or two.

But for one little boy it was a little more exciting when a snail emerged from his knee following a trip to the beach.

Four year-old Paul Franklin from Aliso Viejo in Orange County, was left baffled when the small creature appeared after his mother Rachael decided to squeeze his wounded knee which he had grazed after falling on rocks during a family camping holiday.

At first, Rachael didn't think much of the injury which Paul sustained while on holiday with his family in Spooner's Cove, California.
'It was just a little owie,' she told the Orange County Register.
'But one that kept seeping and never quite scabbed up.'
After cleaning the wound with antibiotic liquid and applying a small bandage, she didn't think any more of it.
But a week later, Paul managed to re-open the cut after falling while ice skating. Soon, his knee became red, swollen and hot to touch.

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