Lunes, Agosto 19, 2013

Kim Zolciak


Kroy Biermann is a NFL football player, so he knows all about hard work!
Still, when he decided to adopt his wife Kim Zolciak's daughters Brielle and Ariana - Kim was delightfully surprised.
She always expected Kroy to be a good father figure to her girls, but she wasn't expecting him to get the adoption paperwork in so soon!
So why did Kroy do what he did?
Here's what he said:
"In order to keep balance you have to have priorities. Our careers are our priorities, our kids, our health, our happiness…Before Kim and before the girls and before the boys, I lived a pretty regimented life. I'd wake up, eat breakfast, go to work, come home…it was pretty normal. Now, my house isn't going to be as clean as it was before, but it's not important. Those things are not important and it's all about prioritizing and understanding."
Sounds pretty impressive to us! He's giving up a little part of his life of regiment for more of a life of love!
And Kim says she's thrilled with how Kroy has taken to her girls. She said:
"I don't know if I could love anybody else's children as much as Kroy loves the girls. I just don't know if I have it in me."
Maybe not, but Kim does have a baby inside her!
We can't wait until she pops, and then we can see pictures of the entire cohesive family together, forever!!!


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