Martes, Setyembre 3, 2013

USS Nimitz

 USS Nimitz (CVN-68) is a supercarrier of the United States Navy, and is the lead ship of her class. She is one of the largest warships in the world. The Nimitz -class supercarriers are a class of ten nuclear-powered aircraft carriers in service with the United States Navy.Wow, move 10 ships to one place and call it 'prudent planning'. Next they'll be calling genocide 'sprucing up the house' and murdering kids 'making children thought-leaders via kinetic education'.According Farsnews, citing Reuters, General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi insisted that no authorization be given to warships that would attack Syria. The decision was taken as part of the Egyptian government's respect of the the joint defense agreement signed between Egypt and Syria, Reuters announced, making an attack against Syria difficult for the United States and Great Britain, according to the same agency.

Sure the U.S. could bring Assad to his knees, but the repercussion would be felt worldwide, all the U.S. does is create messes that they can't clean up look at Iraq and Afghanistan.
The government that they like to put into place are usually worse then the last government, Muslim brotherhood, fancy term for phycho terrorist.
All the U.S. government as is big mouths look at Kerry, now that guy likes to hear the sound of is voice, and all that comes out is sh*t.

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